Room Reservation

For more information:

Guidelines to Approve a Reservation

When someone make a reservation, the Head of the Department will receive an email as shown below.

Go to the email and click on the link "Add this calendar". It will lead you to the calendar and click on Add in the message that prompts.

The event will appear in My calendars at the left hand side of the screen.

If you need to change how events are added to the calendar and how you should receive emails, go to the particular event and click on the three dots that appear.

Then go to settings and sharing.

  1. To change how events should be added to the calendar, scroll down to Auto-accept invitations and choose between Automatically add all invitations to this calendar or Auto-accept invitations that do not conflict.

2. To change how you want to be notified, scroll down to the Other notifications and change the status of the items in it as Email or as None.